Tuesday 11 March 2008

PH1000 - Second Entry

Infidelity is a harsh subject for me, after my parents separated because of it.
I read a lot about celebrities cheating on one another like its an everyday occurrence and even have some friends who i watch go through girls like no ones business, and to be honest, that doesn't really bother me, but when i went through what i did with my parents, and knew that i would never do that to someone who i loved, because i know what they go through when it all comes out into the open.

My friends found it thrilling to be with a different girl nearly every week, and I'd just laugh at them, thinking, they're young they can do whatever they like, But i know that if it ever happened to me, with where i am now, I'd be devastated. I mean, I've been through it before, but i got over that pretty quickly, partly because the guy was an absolute dickhead, and should have got rid of him a lot sooner before that. I don't condone infidelity, but if that person wants to do that then i'm not prepared to sdtand in thier way, its just then they'll have to deal with the consequences. I know that i'll never do it, or at least i hope not, i'd like to think i'm not that sort of person, besides i'm really happy with where i am now so i guess there would be no need to cheat on my partner.

For some reason, alot of girls found that fact that one of my best friends, who used to go with a different girl nearly every week on a night out, more attractive, the fact that it was him being dangerous was why they wanted so badly to be that next girl, however they soon found out that after he had had them,. he would move on, then they would not understand why. I just don't get how some people can be so stupid as to think that they would change him, when they weren't anything important, like the girls before them. I know it sounds harsh, but he was 20 years old and living his life, it may sound cruel, but he was just having a laugh, and now he's found a girl who fits him perfectly, so i guess he was just finiding someone, instead of juust using all these girls, or thats how he puts it anyway.

I just don't think that infideltiy amongst young people is wrong, however infidelity amongst the married or older couples can have a long term affect on both peope, especially if they have children.

1 comment:

Kimberley said...

My parents also separated due to infidelity and it had a similar effect on me, in that i decided i would never do that to somebody.

I sometimes wonder why it doesnt affect others in the same way. I know of pople whos parents separated in similar circumstances to mine, but now choose to be unfaithful in their relationships. One of whom has even said, "you follow the example you have been set" and, "i didn't know any different in my house whilst growing up." - surely if you witness first hand the pain infidelity causes, it makes you think twice about inflicting that pain on a partner?

It crossed my mind it may be to do with the sex of the parent that cheats, for example in my experience it was my mother, and so maybe it was easier for me to relate to and see a future image of myself that i never wished to fulfill. Perhaps i will do post on this.

And as for the girls that found your bad boy friends reputation attractive...you touched on it, they think they can change him.
Women are extremely competative, and the opportunity to succeed i.e change a bad boy into a good man, where other women have failed, is a challenge. We all want to be the one that was worth changing for.