Tuesday 11 March 2008

PH1000 - Third Entry

I love smoking. I smoke in bed, in the living room, outside, while I'm walking around town, on breaks at work, when I'm out, in the car, everywhere i can that a smoking ban doesn't stop me. Not because i think that it shows that i can be a 'bad' person, but because i like many others am an addict. I've been smoking since i was 14 years old, and i don't intend to stop, just because of the smoking ban. That way, i guess could be seen as being bad, thousands of people around the UK, have stopped smoking so as to enjoy a night out more, seen as though you can't smoke in pubs and clubs, and good for them, but I'll just go outside thanks.

Smoking to me has always been, quite, sexy, like when you see a boy that you like, and he standing there smoking, it makes him just that much more attractive, it works with famous people as well, one of my all time favourite actors is James Dean, who was notoriously known for his chain smoking, so even say that if he hadn't had died in the car crash, he'd be dead for his smoking habits, but when i saw pictures of him, when he was smoking I'd think "How ridiculously cool is he?"

Smoking is a sexual thing, my partner smokes and i find it makes him more attractive, but even if he didn't smoke there would be something that had the same affect. Smoking symbolises that bad side that someone can have, a rebelliousness against the society that doesn't want you to smoke, and you know full well the affects that smoking can have on your body and your wallet, but you just can't stop, and that's when you become addicted. Old film stars i think look the best, and my friends have always said that even though they don't like smoking themselves, the fact is that when they see a girl who they already find sexually attractive, if she starts smoking most people would find that a turnoff, but other would find it a sexual stimulant and would find the female much more attractive.

This is because smoking and sex fit perfectly together, smoking used to emphasize the sexuality of a female star, and how provactive and attractive she was to the lead male and the male members of the audience, the same goes for the men in the film and the woman in the film and audience. The post coital cigarette has become infamous for its linking to sex, and still exsists now a days.

Pictures - http://photobucket.com/image/james%20dean/beachbum1972/james_dean.jpg?o=78

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