Friday 11 April 2008

PH1000 - Fourth Entry

Bad behavior always causes the media to go into overdrive, every time a celebrity does something illegal and gets caught its spread across the newspapers and magazines like its the main focus of society, some people may even be attracted to a certain personality because of their 'bad boy image'. This is where the fascination of people who are continually behaving badly gets ridiculous, especially if that person is famous.

All kinds of bad behavior from famous people is shown in the newspapers and magazines that follow their every move, sometimes its pretty tedious that they do, and the thing that really gets me is the papers never seem to criticize the 'A Lister's' unless they were doing heroin with Pete Doherty. Who, has finally been sent to jail, although he'll probably be released early for 'good behavior' . Nothing to do with that fact that he's a 'celebrity' of course. People nowadays don't seem to be bothered that drug dealers and girls who get high on cocaine and alcohol then go driving the wrong way down the highway, even though they could cause serious health risks not only to themselves, but even worse some innocent person or other drivers. This morbid curiosity that the public have with the bad behavior of the rich and famous i think, is getting out of hand, people need to ask, "is 82 minutes in jail really enough for a person who could have killed someone due to their negligence?" The answer, of course it isn't!

But bad behavior when it comes to the people around me is much different. I can't stand it when my friends have to act up to each in night clubs and end up getting squared up to by someone they insulted because they were 'just messing around'. But i can see where the attraction comes from, it has been said for as long as i've known it that girls just cannot resist a bad boy. Maybe thats where the female race got it wrong, its only a matter of time before they experience the bad boy image first hand.

Its hard not to notice all the bad behavior in the papers (the story's that matter though) it seems that the youth today are getting more and more out of hand. It quite scary to think that it could end up right on your very doorstep. So the bad behavior that read about whether it be of a famous person being busted for cannabis possession or a story of murder from 'down the road' its becoming all to real, and the bad behavior that we read about is escalating at real fast rate.

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