Sunday 27 April 2008

PH1000 - Fifth Entry

I don't see what the big deal is with masturbation and 'being bad'. Its something that's probably been around since cavemen times. I mean, touching or playing with ones own anatomy has no quarrel with me, if you want to seek pleasure but don't have a partner by all means go for it. However, i do have some bad things to point out, just don't do it in public, however much you like playing with yourself, all the people around don't really want to.

Masturbation has made the transition from being a complete taboo, to being accepted. It is common knowledge that even in Victorian times there were scantily clad women whoring themselves on the streets for rich loveless men (or so the films would have us believe) so it wouldn't have been very disturbing to know that there was actually masturbation taking place by both sexes.

Even though talking about it so openly maybe frowned upoon by many a person, i just don't see what the big deal is. Hundreds of millions of people do it, but they just don't go about shouting about it, because they know, its not a big deal. Some might even argue that God wouldn't have given us sexual organs iof he diodn't want us to touch them. Masturbation uis even present in the Bibal within the Biblical book of Geneisis, so i can't see a reason whjy it would really be frowned upon in that sense.

The only reall resonas to why masturbation would be frowned upon would be if somone was openly doing it in public view or went out of their way to let the public around them know of their sexual expolits. All in all i don't think masturbation is that much of bad thing anymore.

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