Tuesday 29 April 2008

PH-1000 - Eighth Entry

"I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your fuckin' mouth." - Bill Hicks, now, anyone who tells me that he isn't an absolute genius is just lying to cover the fact that they don't want to get in trouble for having a free-will. Bill Hicks is the most controversial, notorious, but HONEST comedian i have ever stumbled across, everything he says has a point, and a very good one of you just took the time to listen what he has to say.

I think the bad comedians that we see on t.v. or read in magazines, are just there to say the things that ordinary people are afraid to say, but do it in such a cheeky way that we find it 'amusing' but end up realisizing that they had a damn good point to make. Although i like Bill Hicks for his undying honesty of today's society, i can't seem to understand how the racsim and mysongistic jokes done by such comedians like Bernard Manning aren't in very good taste and i don't really agree with these types of comedic performances, although i'm pretty sure they did appeal to some audiences considering the height of his fame.

Bad comedians, sometimes can be more known for their controversial statements other than their talent for making people laugh. Such a Roy Chubby Brown, in my opinion he isn't very funny at all, yet i knwo of him because of his 'bad' jokes in his performances. The jokes that i keep thinking about with bad comedians, are the ones you know your not supposed to laugh at, but find hilariously funny. It gives you a sense of release i guess, because you know that something bad may have happened to someone famous, or in the news, and a comedian will make a joke about it, and you'll find it funny. Only because everyone else around you has found it funny, maybe that just shows how laid back the population is becoming, especially in accepting these comedians, but, is that a bad thing?

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