Friday 2 May 2008

PH1000 - Ninth Entry

Age? 20

Sex? Female

What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Business and Film Studies

Does �Being Bad� relate well to the other modules you are taking? I don't think it does relate well, well, not my business module anyway. I think certain aspects of the module have related well to my film studies course in the way that it has allowed to me to think more philosophically about the way in which films are portrayed to audiences, and what attracts people to certain films etc.

If so, how? And if not, why not? As above.

Have you found �Being Bad� too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? I found it at an appropriate level.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate? Yes. I feel that all the topics were relevant to social life as we know it now in Britain.

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? No

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Yes.

What did you think of the module team? I thought that they were very helpful and easy to understand when in lectures, making them interesting.

Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

Small group discussions? No, I feel there would have been to much hassle

Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? Yes, the exercise in the very first lecture was fun and interesting, hearing all different peoples opinions.

Information and talk from lecturers? Yes.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes i do. I feel that all of these topics are no important in modern day society.

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes i do.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? I think i have. It has enabled me to learn not only of my own subject being taken, but may other topics that i wouldn't have necessarily chosen to learn about, but have now found interesting.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 �It Shouldn't Be Allowed� at level 2? I haven't decided yet.

Would you recommend �Being Bad� to a friend? I would.

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea? I think they were to voice peoples opinions, but the criteria for them, such how many comments you should post/get, and where to put the links etc was a bit confusing.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? No. I like the fact that the assessments were both short and had to be different in format, i feel that it made it more interesting and less boring than just having to do essays over and over.

What have you learned from the module? I have learned that some bad things that aren't really acceptable in society, you enjoy doing, i.e. smoking drugs, laughing and bad comedians. But I've also learnt about how these things would affect society.

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? I found that the blogs were pretty useful in being able to voice my opinions. Learning about other aspects of society such as cultural studies and religion were also useful and also hearing other peoples opinions on the subject.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why? I didn't really find the bandits subject relevant.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding �Being Bad�? No.

Tuesday 29 April 2008

PH-1000 - Eighth Entry

"I smoke. If this bothers anyone, I suggest you look around at the world in which we live and shut your fuckin' mouth." - Bill Hicks, now, anyone who tells me that he isn't an absolute genius is just lying to cover the fact that they don't want to get in trouble for having a free-will. Bill Hicks is the most controversial, notorious, but HONEST comedian i have ever stumbled across, everything he says has a point, and a very good one of you just took the time to listen what he has to say.

I think the bad comedians that we see on t.v. or read in magazines, are just there to say the things that ordinary people are afraid to say, but do it in such a cheeky way that we find it 'amusing' but end up realisizing that they had a damn good point to make. Although i like Bill Hicks for his undying honesty of today's society, i can't seem to understand how the racsim and mysongistic jokes done by such comedians like Bernard Manning aren't in very good taste and i don't really agree with these types of comedic performances, although i'm pretty sure they did appeal to some audiences considering the height of his fame.

Bad comedians, sometimes can be more known for their controversial statements other than their talent for making people laugh. Such a Roy Chubby Brown, in my opinion he isn't very funny at all, yet i knwo of him because of his 'bad' jokes in his performances. The jokes that i keep thinking about with bad comedians, are the ones you know your not supposed to laugh at, but find hilariously funny. It gives you a sense of release i guess, because you know that something bad may have happened to someone famous, or in the news, and a comedian will make a joke about it, and you'll find it funny. Only because everyone else around you has found it funny, maybe that just shows how laid back the population is becoming, especially in accepting these comedians, but, is that a bad thing?

PH1000 - Seventh Entry

I love tattoos and piercings. Although i love tattoos more. I love the feeling of getting ink done, and the beauty that is created through all the pain. Tattooing has been around since ancient times, with mummy's found millions of years ago having slight pigmentation in there skin caused by small dots dug into their lower backs. Now the techniques and skills of the artists are of such good quilaioty that its hard to find one perosn out of many who hasn't got a tattoo.

I like to read up on the history of tattoo's because it really is quite fascinating. Samoan tribes tattoo themselves using sharp pointed sticks and and ink found in nature, they then dip the sticks in the ink and beat it into the skin leaving a permanent mark, this technique is know the world over, as are the symbols thast they tattoo. Every different symbl has a special maeaning to these tribes, and i find that very refreshing. Even now this technique is still been used withy the tribes and even at tattoo conventions all over the world showing how tattoo's were first done.

Most of my friends have tattoo's or are getting tattoos, and i feel very proud of the tattoo's that i have. Not only because of the pain that iahd to go through to get them, but because they'll always be there and i feel that if i didn't have them i just wouldn't be me, my tattoo's symbolize going's on in my life, times when i was upset or down and they lifted my spirits and reminded me that life aint so bad. I'm not even joking about how my tattoos symbolize these things, thats why they are so powerful for people, they can commerate a family member, help a person get over a traumatic experience, or just make a person feel so much better and beautiful.

All in all i just looooove tattoo's!

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Bottom Photo - My own.

PH1000 - Sixth Entry

Bad cinema has been shocking generations of movie-goers for generations. There has always been some what of a fascination of the films that make people scared of the world around them, and what people could be capable of. Even though the audiences have to realise that 'its just a film'. This sense of being scared of what a character within a film can do to innocent people is what attracts so many people to the indie films from innovative directors that should really get more recognition than they get, competing with the big blockbusters if Hollywood.

These films are terrifying in the way that they show how human behaviour can be very very bad. The film that comes to mind, and which has recently been remade, is 'Funny Games', a tale of a family taking a relaxing holiday by the lake when they are unexpectedly tortured and made to play sadistic games with each other in a matter of life and death by two young men who call themselves Paul and Peter. This film is an exploration of the violent society and how depictions of violence reflect and shape our culture.

These kinds of films are there to open our eyes to the world around us, and to show how these kinds of violent acts and twisted going's on, actually exists within our culture. There are stories on the news nearly every day depicting some sort of heinous crime against another human being, These films are just taking it to the next level and showing willing audiences. Another film that comes to mind is defiantly a cult classic of bad cinema. Stanley Kubrick's 'A Clockwork Orange' was initially banned when it was first released because of its violent and twisted content, this film showed the carnage that could ensue caused by the youth of Britain and the consequences their actions. However, what these films do with great ease it allow the audience not only to bind with the victims of these crimes, but with the perpetrators as well. There fore we are essentially bonding with a murderer, thief, rapist, sex addict, trouble maker, and i think that's what scares most audiences when it come sot bad cinema, how the directors and creators of these films can manipulate the story and characters within the film that you somehow see where the 'bad guy' is coming from, and that you identify with all the characters and not just the victims.

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Sunday 27 April 2008

PH1000 - Fifth Entry

I don't see what the big deal is with masturbation and 'being bad'. Its something that's probably been around since cavemen times. I mean, touching or playing with ones own anatomy has no quarrel with me, if you want to seek pleasure but don't have a partner by all means go for it. However, i do have some bad things to point out, just don't do it in public, however much you like playing with yourself, all the people around don't really want to.

Masturbation has made the transition from being a complete taboo, to being accepted. It is common knowledge that even in Victorian times there were scantily clad women whoring themselves on the streets for rich loveless men (or so the films would have us believe) so it wouldn't have been very disturbing to know that there was actually masturbation taking place by both sexes.

Even though talking about it so openly maybe frowned upoon by many a person, i just don't see what the big deal is. Hundreds of millions of people do it, but they just don't go about shouting about it, because they know, its not a big deal. Some might even argue that God wouldn't have given us sexual organs iof he diodn't want us to touch them. Masturbation uis even present in the Bibal within the Biblical book of Geneisis, so i can't see a reason whjy it would really be frowned upon in that sense.

The only reall resonas to why masturbation would be frowned upon would be if somone was openly doing it in public view or went out of their way to let the public around them know of their sexual expolits. All in all i don't think masturbation is that much of bad thing anymore.

Friday 11 April 2008

PH1000 - Fourth Entry

Bad behavior always causes the media to go into overdrive, every time a celebrity does something illegal and gets caught its spread across the newspapers and magazines like its the main focus of society, some people may even be attracted to a certain personality because of their 'bad boy image'. This is where the fascination of people who are continually behaving badly gets ridiculous, especially if that person is famous.

All kinds of bad behavior from famous people is shown in the newspapers and magazines that follow their every move, sometimes its pretty tedious that they do, and the thing that really gets me is the papers never seem to criticize the 'A Lister's' unless they were doing heroin with Pete Doherty. Who, has finally been sent to jail, although he'll probably be released early for 'good behavior' . Nothing to do with that fact that he's a 'celebrity' of course. People nowadays don't seem to be bothered that drug dealers and girls who get high on cocaine and alcohol then go driving the wrong way down the highway, even though they could cause serious health risks not only to themselves, but even worse some innocent person or other drivers. This morbid curiosity that the public have with the bad behavior of the rich and famous i think, is getting out of hand, people need to ask, "is 82 minutes in jail really enough for a person who could have killed someone due to their negligence?" The answer, of course it isn't!

But bad behavior when it comes to the people around me is much different. I can't stand it when my friends have to act up to each in night clubs and end up getting squared up to by someone they insulted because they were 'just messing around'. But i can see where the attraction comes from, it has been said for as long as i've known it that girls just cannot resist a bad boy. Maybe thats where the female race got it wrong, its only a matter of time before they experience the bad boy image first hand.

Its hard not to notice all the bad behavior in the papers (the story's that matter though) it seems that the youth today are getting more and more out of hand. It quite scary to think that it could end up right on your very doorstep. So the bad behavior that read about whether it be of a famous person being busted for cannabis possession or a story of murder from 'down the road' its becoming all to real, and the bad behavior that we read about is escalating at real fast rate.

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Tuesday 11 March 2008

PH1000 - Third Entry

I love smoking. I smoke in bed, in the living room, outside, while I'm walking around town, on breaks at work, when I'm out, in the car, everywhere i can that a smoking ban doesn't stop me. Not because i think that it shows that i can be a 'bad' person, but because i like many others am an addict. I've been smoking since i was 14 years old, and i don't intend to stop, just because of the smoking ban. That way, i guess could be seen as being bad, thousands of people around the UK, have stopped smoking so as to enjoy a night out more, seen as though you can't smoke in pubs and clubs, and good for them, but I'll just go outside thanks.

Smoking to me has always been, quite, sexy, like when you see a boy that you like, and he standing there smoking, it makes him just that much more attractive, it works with famous people as well, one of my all time favourite actors is James Dean, who was notoriously known for his chain smoking, so even say that if he hadn't had died in the car crash, he'd be dead for his smoking habits, but when i saw pictures of him, when he was smoking I'd think "How ridiculously cool is he?"

Smoking is a sexual thing, my partner smokes and i find it makes him more attractive, but even if he didn't smoke there would be something that had the same affect. Smoking symbolises that bad side that someone can have, a rebelliousness against the society that doesn't want you to smoke, and you know full well the affects that smoking can have on your body and your wallet, but you just can't stop, and that's when you become addicted. Old film stars i think look the best, and my friends have always said that even though they don't like smoking themselves, the fact is that when they see a girl who they already find sexually attractive, if she starts smoking most people would find that a turnoff, but other would find it a sexual stimulant and would find the female much more attractive.

This is because smoking and sex fit perfectly together, smoking used to emphasize the sexuality of a female star, and how provactive and attractive she was to the lead male and the male members of the audience, the same goes for the men in the film and the woman in the film and audience. The post coital cigarette has become infamous for its linking to sex, and still exsists now a days.

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PH1000 - Second Entry

Infidelity is a harsh subject for me, after my parents separated because of it.
I read a lot about celebrities cheating on one another like its an everyday occurrence and even have some friends who i watch go through girls like no ones business, and to be honest, that doesn't really bother me, but when i went through what i did with my parents, and knew that i would never do that to someone who i loved, because i know what they go through when it all comes out into the open.

My friends found it thrilling to be with a different girl nearly every week, and I'd just laugh at them, thinking, they're young they can do whatever they like, But i know that if it ever happened to me, with where i am now, I'd be devastated. I mean, I've been through it before, but i got over that pretty quickly, partly because the guy was an absolute dickhead, and should have got rid of him a lot sooner before that. I don't condone infidelity, but if that person wants to do that then i'm not prepared to sdtand in thier way, its just then they'll have to deal with the consequences. I know that i'll never do it, or at least i hope not, i'd like to think i'm not that sort of person, besides i'm really happy with where i am now so i guess there would be no need to cheat on my partner.

For some reason, alot of girls found that fact that one of my best friends, who used to go with a different girl nearly every week on a night out, more attractive, the fact that it was him being dangerous was why they wanted so badly to be that next girl, however they soon found out that after he had had them,. he would move on, then they would not understand why. I just don't get how some people can be so stupid as to think that they would change him, when they weren't anything important, like the girls before them. I know it sounds harsh, but he was 20 years old and living his life, it may sound cruel, but he was just having a laugh, and now he's found a girl who fits him perfectly, so i guess he was just finiding someone, instead of juust using all these girls, or thats how he puts it anyway.

I just don't think that infideltiy amongst young people is wrong, however infidelity amongst the married or older couples can have a long term affect on both peope, especially if they have children.

Thursday 21 February 2008

PH1000 - First entry

We could go see a play which shows bad behaviour such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show, in which the audience has to dress up along with the characters in the production.